P.O.box in Eindhoven

Looking for an P.O.box in Eindhoven?
Our Postbox is the smart and economical alternative, for only € 5,95 per month. With which you can receive your mail at a different address. Business or private, so you don’t have to pass on your private address to everyone. Or if you spend a lot of time abroad, so you can’t open the mail yourself.

A Postbox is a lot cheaper and easier than the traditional orange mailboxes. One of the advantages of a Postbox is that you do not have to pick up the mail yourself. PriPost will forward your mail to you physically or digitally. So are you in Eindhoven or anywhere else in the world; you never have to miss mail again.

Time is also money!

3x a week to my mailbox for free… prices that increase every year. and less and less mail. Now, with PriPost, I get the mail neatly digitally in the customer portal. It’s easier, doesn’t take any more time and is also cheaper!

P.O.box in Eindhoven?

The smart alternative to a P.O. box in Eindhoven

We zijn het slimme alternatief voor een postbus in Eindhoven, natuurlijk op basis van duidelijke tarieven. Met maandelijkse abonnementskosten van slechts € 5,95 en een klein bedrag per scan die we voor je doen. Of om de post naar je door te sturen, zodat je die gewoon fysiek ontvangt.

The Postbox has a number of practical advantages

  • Post laten scannen
    Voortaan digitaal jouw post bekijken? We kunnen alle post die je ontvangt meteen bij binnenkomst voor je scannen. Gewoon dezelfde dag beschikbaar, zodat je niets hoeft te missen. Online of via de app te bekijken, ook als je (tijdelijk) aan de andere kant van de wereld zit.
  • Without advertising
    No need for advertising that you receive privately or professionally? We simply take out the advertising for you for free, by only processing the mail that actually matters.
  • Collected forwarding
    Do you want to continue receiving your mail physically? We will forward it to you to an address of your choice. Collected in a larger envelope, so you easily save on costs.
  • Pakketten en aangetekende post
    In tegenstelling tot een postbus, ontvangen we ook pakketten (van alle vervoerders) en aangetekende post in jouw Postbox. Je kunt dit eenvoudig aangeven in het PriPortal.
P.O.box in Eindhoven?

P.O. box alternative: good and cheap

Your P.O. box alternative is good and cheap. For example, to rent a Postbox for your business or to use it privately. With the ability to have your mail scanned and/or forwarded, we make sure you don’t have to miss important messages.

Standard for competitive rates, to make use of it in a cheap way. If you want to separate private and business, if you’re traveling the world or if you’d rather not have everyone knowing your private address. Whatever the reason, we are here for you at PriPost and make sure you don’t have to use an expensive P.O. box.

Frequently asked questions about our Postbox

Is your question not listed?
Let us know. We are excited to welcome you as a customer and carefully answer every question!

Can I use this service even if my company has not yet been established?2024-01-17T22:35:26+01:00

If your company has not yet been established, you can already apply for our service. You can then immediately provide the correct correspondence address at the incorporation and, if necessary, immediately have your private address shielded in the Chamber of Commerce register. When applying, you can tick the box that it concerns a new, yet to be established company.

Can I receive mail for multiple people in my family?2024-01-17T22:34:35+01:00

You can add 5 recipients (names) to the Postbox free of charge, but for each additional recipient you only pay €1,- per month. If you apply for the Postbox privately, you can add 4 additional family members in addition to yourself as recipients to the Postbox

Can I place my company name above the address instead of my name?2024-01-17T22:30:05+01:00

Yes, that’s possible. In the portal you can see at the top under ‘Your postal address’ what your address including Postbox number looks like. We have placed your name above as an example, but your company name can of course also be included there. This is purely for illustration purposes to show what the address looks like.

What exactly do you do with my post?2024-01-17T22:21:29+01:00

We process the mail the way you want and we do this with the greatest care. We can scan the mail for you or forward it to you, you will find all information about the different methods of mail processing here.

Is a Postbox anonymous?2024-01-17T22:41:13+01:00

The Postbox is anonymous to the sender of the mail, because the sender does not see your private address but the address of the Postbox. If you want to be completely anonymous, you can add an alias as the addressee, so that the mail can be sent to this name.

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