PriPost’s Postbox gives more Peace of Mind & Privacy

With a PriPost Postbox you never have to use your private address again, so you enjoy all the privacy.

What is a Postbox

With PriPost’s Postbox you can access your mail anytime, anywhere and enjoy more privacy.

How does it work

We receive your mail and you decide how we process it for you. For the vast majority of customers we scan the mail, but forwarding is of course also possible.

Postal addresses

Simply apply for your postal address in a few minutes. So you can immediately start using and communicating your new address!

Business & private

Receive your mail in our Postbox for business and private purposes. Easy and very economical!

CoC address

You have a chamber of commerce address from € 5.95 per month. You give your company a professional, business appearance and you keep business and private separate.

More privacy

With our Postbox you have more privacy because you no longer have to give your private address to anyone. This way you enjoy more privacy and above all peace of mind.