PriPost’s postal services at a glance

PriPost’s Postbox includes various postal services, such as; scan mail, forward mail, store mail and send mail.

Want to know how the Postbox works?
You can read that here.


As soon as we receive mail for you, we first scan the envelope or directly the contents. This depends on your wishes. You can read the mail in your secure online environment or via the handy app.


We collect the mail that arrives for you and forward it in a large envelope with the frequency of your choice. For example, once a week, every other week, or every day. To any address worldwide.


Temporarily no opportunity to receive mail? We receive and store your mail for as long as you want. As soon as you are ready to receive the mail, indicate this and we will forward everything in a large envelope.


Not able to send a letter yourself, for example because you don’t have a printer, or because you’re abroad? We print and send your letter, to any address and at exactly the right time.