Postal address Netherlands when living abroad

Postal address in the Netherlands and living abroad? That’s possible! With our Postbox, for only € 5,95 per month. We will receive your mail, which we will, for example, scan for you immediately. Or we’ll forward it to you, also to an address abroad.

Your mail is immediately available the same day in the customer portal, so you don’t have to miss anything. With a Dutch mailing address,even if you are on the other side of the world at that moment. And you stay there temporarily, travel aroud or even live.

Emigrating, with a postal address in the Netherlands

Are you going to emigrate, but do you want to keep a postal address in the Netherlands? With our Postbox you have a digital mailbox. Without having to change your address again. Because you can always use it, even if you keep traveling or move around a few more times. If you have emigrated or if you live there temporarily. Or if you don’t know exactly what your next move will be.

You can emigrate and keep a postal address in the Netherlands. Or travel temporarily, using our Postbox as your address. So we can receive the mail for you, and scan it for you right away. So you can view the mail digitally, easy in the customer portal. To live and work location-independent, without missing out on important mail in the Netherlands.

Still want to receive the original mail? We’d be happy to send it to you, even if we’ve already scanned it. Collected in a larger envelope, so you can easily save on costs. For example, if we forward the mail to you internationally from the Netherlands.

Do you also have a postal address in the Netherlands when living abroad?

Do you want a postal address in the Netherlands, if you are going to live abroad? Receiving mail abroad can sometimes be tricky. Especially if your address changes a few more times, or if you’re traveling a lot.

Postal address Netherlands when living abroad

Your mail accessible anytime, anywhere

And do you especially want to save on costs if you live abroad, but want to keep a postal address in the Netherlands? The Postbox is available cheaply and we scan the mail for a low amount per page. So you can make easy and cheap use of it. To view your post digitally, and even to receive registered mail or packages.

We make sure that you can live abroad, with a postal address in the Netherlands. Thanks to our Postbox, which you can use for € 5,95 per month. As a cheap alternative to the P.O. box. With the ability to have your mail scanned, so you can viewt it digitally the same day.