Choose postal addresses from our list

PriPost has nine office addresses in the Netherlands from which you can choose postal addresses. Which postal address you choose does not matter, because there is no difference in terms of costs or mail processing. You pass on this address in combination with your unique Postbox number to your relations and put it on your website, for example.

Do you also want to use the address as a business postal address for the Chamber of Commerce? That’s possible!
It is possible to use a postal address as a Chamber of Commerce address. You can read how that works here.

Do you also want to receive packages?

This can be done via our PriParcel service with a special delivery address for parcels.

Our postal addresses

  • Postal address in Zwolle

    Paxtonstraat 3N
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    8013 RP Zwolle
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Arnhem / Duiven

    Segment 3
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    6921 RC Duiven
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Eindhoven

    Verdunplein 17
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    5627 SZ Eindhoven
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Leidschendam

    Gr. Juliana v Stolberglaan 31
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    2263 AB Leidschendam
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Zeist

    Kwikstaartlaan 42
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    3704 GS Zeist
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Breda

    Zinkstraat 24
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    4823 AD Breda
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Den Haag

    Oder 20
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    2491 DC Den Haag
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Rotterdam

    Strevelsweg 700
    Unit 303-(Your unique boxnummer)
    3083 AS Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

  • Postal address in Amsterdam

    Keurenplein 41
    Unit (Your unique box number)
    1069 CD Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

Postbox number

For a smooth and careful processing of the mail, it is important that your unique Postbox number is mentioned in the address. We sort the mail by that number because it is unique to you.

What if the Postbox number is missing?

In that case, the mail item is sorted manually by us. In most cases, extra costs are charged for those extra actions, so avoid this!

Correctly noting the Postbox number is therefore also very important.

What do others say about PriPost?

Be informed by people who already have experience with us and read their reviews on the independent website of Webwinkelkeur.

Frequently asked questions

On the right you will find a number of frequently asked questions about the Postbox.

Is your question not listed?
Feel free to contact us! We are happy to answer any question.

How do I provide my postal address to the tax authorities?2024-01-17T22:31:45+01:00

When changing the postal address at the tax authorities, it is important not to choose the PO box option but to choose the address option. PriPost’s Postbox number is not a PO Box number

When do I choose the location where I want to receive my mail?2024-01-17T22:30:49+01:00

You first request the Postbox and only then do you choose the location where you want to receive mail. You do this in the portal when setting up your Postbox, at the same time as specifying your choices regarding mail processing.

Can I place my company name above the address instead of my name?2024-01-17T22:30:05+01:00

Yes, that’s possible. In the portal you can see at the top under ‘Your postal address’ what your address including Postbox number looks like. We have placed your name above as an example, but your company name can of course also be included there. This is purely for illustration purposes to show what the address looks like.

Can I store stuff in the Postbox?2024-01-17T22:28:46+01:00

The Postbox is not a PO box as you may be used to. It is not a physical box from which you retrieve the mail yourself with a key. It is therefore not possible to store items in the Postbox

Is my postal address unique?2024-01-17T22:27:41+01:00

Every postal address is unique because of the Postbox number. In combination with the address of our location, this is a unique address. The address looks like a regular address as you are used to.

What is the location where I will receive my mail?2024-01-17T22:24:18+01:00

We have several locations throughout the Netherlands where we can receive your mail for you. You can find all locations here.

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